
Dispatch is a library for asynchronous HTTP interaction. It provides a Scala vocabulary for Java’s async-http-client. The latest release version is 1.2.0.

This documentation walks through basic functionality of the library. You may also want to refer to its scaladocs

Diving in 

To start playing with Dispatch on a console you can use one of two tools. The Ammonite REPL or sbt’s console functionality. When you’re ready to include Dispatch in an actual project, just follow the instructions for adding the Dispatch dependencies to build.sbt below.

Ammonite REPL 

To get started with Dispatch in the Ammonite REPL, execute amm at your shell and then paste in the following.

# only include this first line if you want all
# of the debugging log output, otherwise omit
import $ivy.`ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:1.2.3`

import $ivy.`org.dispatchhttp::dispatch-core:1.2.0`

Your environment now has everything in scope you need to play with dispatch in the console.


Once you have sbt installed, Dispatch is two steps away. Open a shell and change to an empty or unimportant directory, then add the following content to a file named build.sbt:

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  // For the console exercise, the logback dependency
  // is only important if you want to see all the
  // debugging output. If you don't want that, simply
  // omit it.
  "ch.qos.logback"          %  "logback-classic" % "1.2.3",
  "org.dispatchhttp"        %% "dispatch-core"   % "1.2.0"

Then invoke sbt console from your shell. After “the internet” has downloaded, you’re good to go. the above settings in build.sbt are also the settings you’ll use to add dispatch to your project when it comes time to actually use it in a production application.

Defining requests 

We’ll start with a very simple request.

import dispatch._, Defaults._
val svc = url("http://api.hostip.info/country.php")
val country = Http.default(svc OK as.String)

The above defines and initiates a request to the given host where 2xx responses are handled as a string. Since Dispatch is fully asynchronous, country represents a future of the string rather than the string itself.

Deferring action 

You can act on the response once it’s available with a for-expression.

for (c <- country)

This for-expression applies to any successful response that is eventually produced. If no successful response is produced, nothing is printed. This is how for-expressions work in general. Consider a more familiar example:

val opt: Option[String] = None
for (o <- opt)

An option may or may not contain a value, just like a future may or may not produce a successful response. But while any given option already knows what it is, a future may not. So the future behaves asynchronously in for-expressions, to avoid holding up operations subsequent that do not depend on its value.

Demanding answers 

As with options, you can require that a future value be available at any time:

val c = country()

But the wise use of futures defers this operation as long as is practical, or doesn’t perform it at all. To see how, keep reading.

Bargaining with futures 

Applying a future is like taking a hostage. Your demands might be met in time, but until they are you’re sitting around doing nothing other than guarding a prisoner.

So we don’t like to take hostages or apply futures, but what good is a future if you can’t do anything with its value? Luckily, you can do plenty. You just have to be flexible about when things happen.


A future is like an option that doesn’t know what it is yet; that doesn’t stop it from transforming into something else. We could transform an option of a string into an option of its length. Same goes for futures.

import dispatch._, Defaults._
val svc = url("http://api.hostip.info/country.php")
val country = Http.default(svc OK as.String)
val length = for (c <- country) yield c.length

The length value is a future of integer.


If you pasted the above into a console, you probably saw something like this in the output:

country: scala.concurrent.Future[String] =
length: scala.concurrent.Future[Int] =

Not too helpful right? The print method makes a nicer string:

scala> country.print
res0: String = Future(US)

If the future value isn’t available, print won’t wait:

scala> Http.default(svc OK as.String).print
res1: String = Future(-incomplete-)

Note: print and some other Future methods in this documentation are provided implicitly by dispatch.EnrichedFuture


How does print work on unknown values? It uses an option. You can use the same technique to access the integer value, if it’s available.

val lengthNow = length.completeOption.getOrElse(-1)

But most of the time, you want to operate on values that are known to be available. In the next pages we’ll see how far we can go in this direction by transforming futures.

Abstraction over future information 

Often, you can extend the utility of futures with simple abstraction. In this example we’ll leverage a web service to write an internal API that will tell us the temperature in a US city.

Palling around with Weather Underground 

In one method we’ll contain the construction of the request. In this case it’s an endpoint with all of the parameters in path elements.

import dispatch._, Defaults._

case class Location(city: String, state: String)

def weatherSvc(loc: Location) = {
  host("api.wunderground.com") / "api" / "5a7c66db0ba0323a" /
    "conditions" / "q" / loc.state / (loc.city + ".xml")

Note: Yes, that’s an API key. Use it sparingly to learn Dispatch in the Scala console, but get your own key if you are building some kind of actual weather application. We may reset this key at any time.

With this method we can bind to a handler that prints out the response in the usual way:

val nyc = Location("New York", "NY")
for (str <- Http.default(weatherSvc(nyc) OK as.String))

If you’re pasting along in the Scala console, you’ll see a bunch of raw XML.

Parsing XML 

Luckily, dispatch has another built-in handler for services that respond in this format.

def weatherXml(loc: Location) =
  Http.default(weatherSvc(loc) OK as.xml.Elem)

This method returns a future scala.xml.Elem. Note that Dispatch handlers, like as.String and as.xml.Elem, mimic the name of the type they produce. They’re all under the package dispatch.as where you can access them without additional imports.

Traversing XML 

At this stage we’re working with a higher abstraction. The Http.default instance used to perform the request has become an implementation detail that weatherXml callers need not concern themselves with. We can use our new method to print a nicely formatted response.

def printer = new scala.xml.PrettyPrinter(90, 2)
for (xml <- weatherXml(nyc))

Looking at the structure of the document, we can extract the temperature of the location in degrees Celsius by searching for the element “temp_c” using the \\ method of xml.Elem.

def extractTemp(xml: scala.xml.Elem) = {
  val seq = for {
    elem <- xml \\ "temp_c"
  } yield elem.text.toFloat

Temperature of the future 

With this we can create another high-level access method:

def temperature(loc: Location) =
  for (xml <- weatherXml(loc))
    yield extractTemp(xml)

And now we have at hand the future temperature of any location understood by the service:

val la = Location("Los Angeles", "CA")
for (t <- temperature(la)) println(t)

The information gathering is now fully abstracted without blocking, but what happens if we want to compare several temperatures?

Working with multiple futures 

If we want to compare the future temperature in New York to Madrid, we might apply both futures to compare the eventual values. We certainly can’t make a good comparison if only one or zero of the values are available right now.

But if taking one hostage is bad, taking n hostages is worse. Higher demands take longer to be met and the cost of monitoring each prisoner, or applied future, increases.

Independent futures 

Luckily, we don’t have to apply futures to work with their values. We can stage operations to occur as soon as those values are available—even with more than one future.

First, we’ll assign some future temperatures using the methods defined on the last page.

val nycTemp = temperature(nyc)
val laTemp = temperature(la)

Dispatch is already working to fulfill both futures. But assuming as we must that their values are not available, we can still lay out work for them to do:

for {
  n <- nycTemp
  m <- laTemp
} {
  if (n > m) println("It's hotter in New York")
  else  println("It's at least as hot in L.A.")

Like all for-expressions used with futures, this one doesn’t block on I/O at any point. We’re effectively chaining callbacks for the time when both futures say they are available.

Yielding combined results 

But this isn’t a very flexible procedure. Let’s generalize it by yielding a future value.

def tempCompare(locA: Location, locB: Location) = {
  val pa = temperature(locA)
  val pb = temperature(locB)
  for {
    a <- pa
    b <- pb
  } yield a.compare(b)

Now we have a method for the future of an integer indicating the relative temperatures of places a and b.

Dependent futures and concurrency 

You might be tempted to refactor the comparison method into a shorter expression.

def sequentialTempCompare(locA: Location, locB: Location) =
  for {
    a <- temperature(locA)
    b <- temperature(locB)
  } yield a.compare(b)

It’s still non-blocking, but it doesn’t perform the two requests in parallel. To understand why, think about the bindings of the values a and b. They both represent future values.

Although the above expression temperature(locB) doesn’t reference the value of a, it could. Since a is known we must be in the future: we must be in deferred code.

And that’s exactly the case. Each clause of the for-expression on a future represents a future callback. This is necessary for cases where one future value depends on another. Independent futures should be assigned outside for-expressions to maximize concurrency.

Arbitrarily many futures 

The last page dealt with fixed numbers of futures. In the real world, we often have to work with unknown quantities.

Iterables of futures 

Once again using the temperature method defined before, we’ll create a higher-level method to work with its future values. First, we can work with Scala collections in familiar ways.

val locs = List(Location("New York", "NY"),
                Location("Los Angeles", "CA"),
                Location("Chicago", "IL"))
val temps =
  for(loc <- locs)
    yield for (t <- temperature(loc))
      yield (t -> loc)

Now we have a list of future city names and temperatures: List[Future[(Float, Location)]]. But if we want to compare them together, again without blocking, we want a combined future of all temps.


val hottest =
  for (ts <- Future.sequence(temps))
    yield ts.maxBy { _._1 }

The value ts is a future of List[(Float, Location)]; it is not available until all the component futures have completed. In the body of the for expression we’re using maxBy to find the highest temperature, the first element of the tuple.

A future of the hottest 

We can generalize this now into a single method which futures to return the name of the hottest city that you give it.

def hottest(locs: Location*) = {
  val temps =
    for(loc <- locs)
      yield for (t <- temperature(loc))
       yield (t -> loc)
  for (ts <- Future.sequence(temps))
    yield ts.maxBy { _._1 }._2

When everything goes as expected, that future is fulfilled. The next section is for when things don’t go as expected.

A future of success and failure 

So far we’ve made a lot of futures depending on network operations that might fail, and remote services that may not care for our input. If things don’t go as planned, the futures will fail.

Failed futures 

Failed futures are messy. You may have already seen the mess created in playing around with the previous examples. Here we’ll make a big mess to see what happens, and how bad it can get.

import dispatch._, Defaults._
val str = Http.default(host("example.com") OK as.String)

So far, so good? We’ve made a request that will fail the OK test with a redirect status code, but this failure hasn’t happened yet from the software’s perspective.

Future#print for failed futures 

If we have the console print its string representation a moment later, we’ll see the problem:

scala> str.print
res0: String = Future(!Unexpected response status: 302!)

Applying failed futures 

But we’re still holding have a future of string. What happens if we demand the string?

scala> str()
dispatch.StatusCode: Unexpected response status: 302
    at dispatch.OkHandler$class.onStatusReceived(handlers.scala:37)
    at dispatch.OkFunctionHandler.onStatusReceived(handlers.scala:29)

The exception was thrown in the thread that demanded the value, since there is no way to supply it.

Transforming broken futures 

Broken futures carry their exceptions through transformations:

val length = for (s <- str) yield s.length

Printing yields the same result as before.

res54: String = Future(!Unexpected response status: 302!)

Deferred failed futures 

And if you ask for operations on the completed future, nothing happens.

scala> for (s <- str) println(s)

How can we safely build on futures that depend on uncertain network operations?

Planning for failure 

The solution is to avoid breaking futures and throwing exceptions by planning for failure. In the next pages we’ll see very simple and very rich ways of doing that.

Success as the only option 

Earlier we compared futures to options. The network operation at the center of things may or may not have completed: that’s the temporal uncertainty and it can be thought of an option, and even transformed into one with the completeOption method.

Beyond that we don’t know if a completed future will produce an error or a useful response. We can also think of that uncertainty, and model it in code, as an option. By transferring the uncertainty from the future to a contained option, we make a future that will never fail.


import dispatch._, Defaults._
val str = Http.default(host("example.com") OK as.String).option

The type assigned is str: Future[Option[String]]. When the future completes, its value will be a future of None since the request will fail. The failure exception is captured and discarded by the underlying code.

With this we can write higher level interfaces that encompass the possibility of failure.

Optional weather 

Let’s make the weather interface from the previous section a little more resilient.

case class Location(city: String, state: String)
def weatherSvc(loc: Location) = {
  host("api.wunderground.com") / "api" / "5a7c66db0ba0323a" /
    "conditions" / "q" / loc.state / (loc.city + ".xml")
def weatherXml(loc: Location) =
  Http.default(weatherSvc(loc) OK as.xml.Elem).option

Now any connection, status, or parsing error will produce a None.

Optional temperature 

We’ll make a slight change to the extraction method.

def extractTemp(xml: scala.xml.Elem) = {
  val seq = for {
    elem <- xml \\ "temp_c"
  } yield elem.text.toFloat

Instead of calling head which throws an exception if there are no matching elements, we call headOption. This meshes with a revised temperature method.

def temperature(loc: Location) =
  for (xmlOpt <- weatherXml(loc))
    yield for {
      xml <- xmlOpt
      t <- extractTemp(xml)
    } yield t

This returns the future of some temperature value, or None if an error occurs at any point.

Optional hotness 

And with that, we can rewrite hottest to provide the highest successful result, or None.

def hottest(locs: Location*) = {
  val temps =
    for(loc <- locs)
      yield for (tOpt <- temperature(loc))
        yield for (t <- tOpt)
          yield (t -> loc)
  for (ts <- Future.sequence(temps)) yield {
    val valid = ts.flatten
    for (_ <- valid.headOption)
      yield valid.maxBy { _._1 }

If the nested for-expressions throw you for a loop, keep in mind that futures are not themselves Iterable. You’re dealing with unrelated types, even if they share some philosophical opinions. They can’t be haphazardly mixed in the same for-expression.

But as the fors unroll we end up with a future of some city name, or None—exactly what we want. Give it a try with some real and fake city names.

Unknown error 

This version of temperature ranking is much more resilient than the last, but it still leaves something to be desired. We don’t know from the result value which cities, if any, were excluded from consideration, and we don’t know why.

In the next section we’ll explore Either, a favorite type of those who plan for both failure and success.

Either type will do 

Either is a container of fixed size like Option, but which always contains a value of one of two types. As an abstract type either refers to its two possible typed values as “left” and “right”.

Either an error or success 

In the particular and common case of error handling, the either’s left should always be used for failure information. This can be anything from an error message to an application-specific error object. It’s the either’s type A.

The either’s right value of type B is for its content on success. Thus, any given either used for error handling should tell you the desired result, or the reason it has failed.

Average or failure 

As a trivial example, let’s implement a method to return the average of some integers.

def average(nums: Iterable[Int]) = {
  if (nums.isEmpty) Left("Can't average emptiness")
  else Right(nums.sum / nums.size)

This method produces an error message when given an empty collection of integers to average, otherwise the average integer.

Top of the class 

We can use this failure-aware average method as part of a larger calculation.

val johnny = List(85, 60, 90)
val sarah  = List(88, 65, 85)
val billy  = List.empty[Int]

for {
  j <- average(johnny).right
  s <- average(sarah).right
  b <- average(billy).right
} yield List(j, s, b).max

The for-expression above requires successful averages (a right projection on each either) in order to yield a right result. Since Billy’s average results in a left, the entire expression evaluates to that error.

res0: Either[java.lang.String,Int] = Left(Can't average emptiness)

Why not eject? 

Of course, exceptions have the same ability demonstrated here: you can embed information in them and act on it when they’re caught. Exceptions are easy to handle when you have a straightforward thread of computation. In asynchronous programming, you don’t.

Think of exceptions as an ejection seat. They allow you to escape from failure without planning ahead. On the downside, somebody’s got to perform the rescue operation to get you home, which could range in difficulty from easy to impossible. With asynchronous callbacks it’s as if you’re flying over enemy territory, or into orbit. The cost and complexity of recovering an ejected body becomes prohibitive.

But the use of either for error handling is like having a plan to fly home no matter what goes wrong. You may not be carrying a successful payload but at least you’ll return safely with information.

Understanding either 

If you don’t understand Either, seek out some more explanations and examples before continuing. Dispatch’s richest forms of error handling use this type directly and imitate it in important ways.

Either Future 

Now that you understand either, you can use it within a Dispatch future to fully control and represent error conditions.


Much like Future#option, the either method returns a future that catches any exception that occurs in performing the request and handling its response. But unlike option, either holds on to its captured exception.

Weather with either 

Let’s take up our weather service one more time and write an app that can not only fail gracefully but tell you what went wrong. First we define the service endpoint, as before.

import dispatch._, Defaults._
case class Location(city: String, state: String)
def weatherSvc(loc: Location) = {
  host("api.wunderground.com") / "api" / "5a7c66db0ba0323a" /
    "conditions" / "q" / loc.state / (loc.city + ".xml")

Projections on futures 

A future of either doesn’t know whether it’s a left or right until it is completed, so it can’t have methods like isLeft and isRight.

What you can do is project against eventual leftness and rightness. All futures of either have methods left and right which act much the same as those methods on either itself. They return a projection which you then use to transform one side of the either.

The example below uses a left projection. Bulky type annotations are included in this text for clarity.

def weatherXml(loc: Location):
  Future[Either[String, xml.Elem]] = {
  val res: Future[Either[Throwable, xml.Elem]] =
    Http.default(weatherSvc(loc) OK as.xml.Elem).either
  for (exc <- res.left)
    yield "Can't connect to weather service: \n" +

In this updated weatherXml method, we get a future of either as res. Then, we act on a left projection of that future to transform any exception into a string error message.

Handling missing input 

Next, we’ll issue a useful error message if we fail to find the expected temperature element.

def extractTemp(xml: scala.xml.Elem):
  Either[String,Float] = {
  val seq = for {
    elem <- xml \\ "temp_c"
  } yield elem.text.toFloat
  seq.headOption.toRight {
    "Temperature missing in service response"

This uses the handy Option#toRight method which bridges the gap between options and eithers.

Composing with either 

Finally, we can write a smarter temperature method that composes the smarter low-level methods.

def temperature(loc: Location) =
  for (xmlEither <- weatherXml(loc))
    yield for {
      xml <- xmlEither.right
      t <- extractTemp(xml).right
    } yield t

This is fairly similar to the version created with option. You’ll recall that we can’t haphazardly mix futures with other types in for expressions, because a future is not an Iterable or an either. However, if you want to be a little bit fancy you can condense these operations by making everything a future.

Composing futures of either 

When everything is a future of either, you can compose with a single for expression. We can’t make futures into their contained type without blocking, but we can go the other way: anything can be made into a future of itself with Future#apply.

def temperature(loc: Location):
Future[Either[String,Float]] = {
  for {
    xml <- weatherXml(loc).right
    t <- Future.successful(extractTemp(xml)).right
  } yield t

Composing with a single for-expression is awesome, but don’t get too stuck on the idea. Sometimes it’s just not possible or worth the trouble. But in this case, it provides the nicest error handling yet.

Testing the error handling 

You can try out the new method to see how it behaves with valid and invalid input.

scala> temperature(Location("New York","NY"))()
res8: Either[String,Float] = Right(11.9)

scala> temperature(Location("nowhere","NO"))()
res5: Either[String,Float] =
  Left(Temperature missing in service response)

For an unknown city name, we got back a response without a usable temperature element. Good to know!

Hottness to the max 

Now we’ll bring it all together with an error-aware hotness method.

def hottest(locs: Location*) = {
  val temps =
    for(loc <- locs)
      yield for (tEither <- temperature(loc))
        yield (loc, tEither)
  for (ts <- Future.sequence(temps)) yield {
    val valid = for ((loc, Right(t)) <- ts)
      yield (t, loc)
    val max = for (_ <- valid.headOption)
      yield valid.maxBy { _._1 }._2
    val errors = for ((loc, Left(err)) <- ts)
      yield (loc, err)
    (max, errors)

This method returns a future of a 2-tuple, including an option of the max and Iterable of any errors. With this you can know which city was the hottest, as well as which inputs failed and why.

Testing the hottest 

To make sure this all works, give it some valid and invalid cities.

scala> hottest(Location("New York","NY"),
               Location("Chicago", "IL"),
               Location("nowhere", "NO"),
               Location("Los Angeles", "CA"))()
res6: (Option[Location], Seq[(Location, String)]) =
(Some(Location(Los Angeles,CA)),
            Temperature missing in service response)))

In real applications, string is not usually a rich enough error type; you may want the app to behave differently for different kinds of errors. For that you can bubble up case classes and objects that represent the kind of error and retain any useful data.

Defining requests 

Dispatch requests are defined using the RequestBuilder class of the underlying library. Everything that can be expressed with Dispatch’s builders and “verbs” can be performed directly on that lower level interface.

Domains and paths 

Request definitions are initialized with a URL or domain name.

Free-form URLs 

The function url belongs to the dispatch package. It is typically imported by wildcard. If it becomes shadowed by a local url value, you can always refer to it as dispatch.url.

val myRequest = url("http://example.com/some/path")

With this builder it is up to the application to construct valid URLs.

Explicit host builder 

To dynamically build up requests, Dispatch provides a number of builders and verbs (symbolic methods). First, you need a host.

val myHost = host("example.com")

A port can be specified as a second parameter.

val myHost = host("example.com", 8888)

When no port is specified, the protocol default is used.

Using HTTPS 

When using the host builder, the secure method specifies that the HTTPS must be used for the request.

val mySecureHost = host("example.com").secure

Appending path elements 

Path elements may be added to requests with the / method.

val myRequest = myHost / "some" / "path"

Each added element is URL-encoded, so that spaces and non-ASCII letters may be added freely. A forward-slash will also be encoded such that it does not serve as a path-separator; the / method is for appending single path elements.

HTTP methods and parameters 

Having defined a request endpoint using either url, or host and the path-appending verb, you may now wish to change the HTTP method from its default of GET.

HTTP methods 

Methods may be specified with correspondingly named request-building methods.

def myPost = myRequest.POST

Other HTTP methods can be specified in the same way.


POST parameters 

To add form-encoded parameters to the request body, you can use RequestBuilder#addParameter method.

def myPostWithParams = myPost.addParameter("key", "value")

POST verb 

The << verb sets the request method to POST and adds form-encoded parameters to the body at once:

def myPostWithParams = myRequest << Map("key" -> "value")

You can also POST an arbitrary string. Be sure to set MIME media type and character encoding:

def myRequestAsJson = myRequest.setContentType("application/json", "UTF-8")
def myPostWithBody = myRequestAsJson << """{"key": "value"}"""

Query parameters 

Query parameters can be appended to request paths regardless of the method. These should be added after all path elements.

def myRequestWithParams = myRequest.addQueryParameter("key", "value")

Query parameter names can repeat in case you need provide multiple values for a query parameter key.

def myRequestWithParams = myRequest
  .addQueryParameter("key", "value1")
  .addQueryParameter("key", "value2")

Query parameters can also be added without values to create urls such as http://mydomain.com?param by just providing the key:

def myRequestWithParams = myRequest

You can also add query parameters with the <<? verb.

def myRequestWithParams = myRequest <<? Map("key" -> "value")

The <<? verb can consume any kind of Iterable that contains a (String, String), so if you’d like to use the verb form to add multiple query parameters with the same key, you’d just switch to using a List:

def myRequestWithParams = myRequest <<? List(
  ("key", "value1"),
  ("key", "value2")

PUT a file 

Similar to the POST verb, Dispatch supplies a <<< verb to apply the PUT method and set a java.io.File as the request body.

def myPut = myRequest <<< myFile

If you wish to supply a string instead of a file, use a setBody method of the RequestBuilder class. Its variants support a number of input types and do not imply a particular HTTP method.

Unraveling for-expressions 

So far, this documentation has relied exclusively on for-expressions for transforming futures, composing futures, and deferring side effects. These provide a compact syntax that smooths the rough edges of dense, nested function literals. Dispatch is mostly coded, tested, and documented with for-expressions to ensure that everything can be expressed neatly.

On the flip side, for-expressions can seem like black magic. They’re extremely powerful and incorporate features of the Scala language and standard library. What’s really happening won’t be at all apparent to beginners. If it compiles it tends to work, but when it doesn’t compile the type errors can be a great mystery.

Read about for-expressions 

It’s never too early or too late to learn more about for-expressions. Chapter 10 of Scala by Example provides an explanation that is both gentle and comprehensive. You can’t read it enough.

What are for-comprehensions? 

For-expressions and for-comprehensions are the same thing. The preferred term these days is for-comprehensions.

Break apart complex problems 

For non-trivial future operations, especially when trying to mix with Iterables, it may be easier to start with the lower level map, flatMap, foreach, and many other methods that for-expressions translate into.

Once you get things working with these, you can probably translate it into a for-expression. Maybe by rereading Chapter 10 of Scala by Example. Or you can leave it using the lower level methods. There are no for-expression police to hunt you down.

For-expression (in)completeness 

For-expressions can do so many different things that Dispatch futures and projections don’t support them all. If your cool for-expression doesn’t work for this reason, feel free to contribute the missing methods to Disptach.

Scaladoc Index 

The following is an index of the available Dispatch Scaladocs by Dispatch release series and module.

Dispatch 0.13.x 

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