Either type will do 

Either is a container of fixed size like Option, but which always contains a value of one of two types. As an abstract type either refers to its two possible typed values as “left” and “right”.

Either an error or success 

In the particular and common case of error handling, the either’s left should always be used for failure information. This can be anything from an error message to an application-specific error object. It’s the either’s type A.

The either’s right value of type B is for its content on success. Thus, any given either used for error handling should tell you the desired result, or the reason it has failed.

Average or failure 

As a trivial example, let’s implement a method to return the average of some integers.

def average(nums: Iterable[Int]) = {
  if (nums.isEmpty) Left("Can't average emptiness")
  else Right(nums.sum / nums.size)

This method produces an error message when given an empty collection of integers to average, otherwise the average integer.

Top of the class 

We can use this failure-aware average method as part of a larger calculation.

val johnny = List(85, 60, 90)
val sarah  = List(88, 65, 85)
val billy  = List.empty[Int]

for {
  j <- average(johnny).right
  s <- average(sarah).right
  b <- average(billy).right
} yield List(j, s, b).max

The for-expression above requires successful averages (a right projection on each either) in order to yield a right result. Since Billy’s average results in a left, the entire expression evaluates to that error.

res0: Either[java.lang.String,Int] = Left(Can't average emptiness)

Why not eject? 

Of course, exceptions have the same ability demonstrated here: you can embed information in them and act on it when they’re caught. Exceptions are easy to handle when you have a straightforward thread of computation. In asynchronous programming, you don’t.

Think of exceptions as an ejection seat. They allow you to escape from failure without planning ahead. On the downside, somebody’s got to perform the rescue operation to get you home, which could range in difficulty from easy to impossible. With asynchronous callbacks it’s as if you’re flying over enemy territory, or into orbit. The cost and complexity of recovering an ejected body becomes prohibitive.

But the use of either for error handling is like having a plan to fly home no matter what goes wrong. You may not be carrying a successful payload but at least you’ll return safely with information.

Understanding either 

If you don’t understand Either, seek out some more explanations and examples before continuing. Dispatch’s richest forms of error handling use this type directly and imitate it in important ways.

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