Working with multiple futures 

If we want to compare the future temperature in New York to Madrid, we might apply both futures to compare the eventual values. We certainly can’t make a good comparison if only one or zero of the values are available right now.

But if taking one hostage is bad, taking n hostages is worse. Higher demands take longer to be met and the cost of monitoring each prisoner, or applied future, increases.

Independent futures 

Luckily, we don’t have to apply futures to work with their values. We can stage operations to occur as soon as those values are available—even with more than one future.

First, we’ll assign some future temperatures using the methods defined on the last page.

val nycTemp = temperature(nyc)
val laTemp = temperature(la)

Dispatch is already working to fulfill both futures. But assuming as we must that their values are not available, we can still lay out work for them to do:

for {
  n <- nycTemp
  m <- laTemp
} {
  if (n > m) println("It's hotter in New York")
  else  println("It's at least as hot in L.A.")

Like all for-expressions used with futures, this one doesn’t block on I/O at any point. We’re effectively chaining callbacks for the time when both futures say they are available.

Yielding combined results 

But this isn’t a very flexible procedure. Let’s generalize it by yielding a future value.

def tempCompare(locA: Location, locB: Location) = {
  val pa = temperature(locA)
  val pb = temperature(locB)
  for {
    a <- pa
    b <- pb
  } yield

Now we have a method for the future of an integer indicating the relative temperatures of places a and b.

Dependent futures and concurrency 

You might be tempted to refactor the comparison method into a shorter expression.

def sequentialTempCompare(locA: Location, locB: Location) =
  for {
    a <- temperature(locA)
    b <- temperature(locB)
  } yield

It’s still non-blocking, but it doesn’t perform the two requests in parallel. To understand why, think about the bindings of the values a and b. They both represent future values.

Although the above expression temperature(locB) doesn’t reference the value of a, it could. Since a is known we must be in the future: we must be in deferred code.

And that’s exactly the case. Each clause of the for-expression on a future represents a future callback. This is necessary for cases where one future value depends on another. Independent futures should be assigned outside for-expressions to maximize concurrency.

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